Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dual Boot Windows 7 and OS X Snow Leopard Using Chameleon

Posted by tonymacx86 on Thursday, November 26, 2009
(Modified by MACWIN to make it more simpler and comfortable on Nov 01,2011)

Using Chameleon as your bootloader, you can boot an infinite amount of operating systems on your PC. It's simple to use a separate hard drive for each operating system.

The following guide will show you how to put OS X Snow Leopard and Windows 7 on the same hard drive. You can then use Chameleon to select either Snow Leopard or Windows 7 at boot time. It's a bit trickier, as the Windows installer will set itself as the active partition automatically The latest MultiBeast will take care of choosing boot0hfs instead of boot0 to automatically boot from hfs partition, even if it's inactive.  

  • If you have greater than 4gb of RAM, remove the extra RAM for a maximum of 4gb.  You can put back any extra RAM in after the installation process.
  • Use only 1 graphics card in the 1st PCIe slot with 1 monitor plugged in.
  • Remove any hard drives besides the blank drive being used for OS X.
  • Remove any USB peripherals besides keyboard and mouse.
  • Remove any PCI cards besides graphics- they may not be Mac compatible.
  • If using a Gigabyte 1156 board, use the blue Intel SATA ports- not the white Gigabyte SATA ports.
  • It's best to use an empty hard drive- you will have to partition and format the drive. 
  • Always back up any of your important data.

You will need to set your BIOS to ACHI mode and your Boot Priority to boot from CD-ROM first.  This is the most important step, and one many people overlook.  Make sure your bios settings match these.  It's not difficult- the only thing I did on my Gigabyte board besides setting Boot Priority to CD/DVD first was set Optimized Defaults, change SATA to AHCI mode, and set HPET to 64-bit mode.

 In order to boot the Mac OS X Retail DVD, you'll need to download and burn iBoot.  For desktops and laptops using unsupported Intel CPUs and graphics, a legacy version of iBoot can be downloaded here. (HP Users Use Legacy iBoot or Boot with CPUS=1) Download iBoot
  1. Burn the image to CD
  2. Place iBoot in CD/DVD drive
  3. Restart computer
  4. Boot to iBoot CD and then eject iBoot

  1. Insert your Mac OS X Snow Leopard Retail DVD and press F5
  2. When you see the screen below, press enter to begin the boot process
  1. When you get to the installation screen, open Utilities/Disk Utility.  NOTE: If you cannot get to the installation screen, retry from Step 4, type PCIRootUID=1 before hitting enter. If that doesn't work then try PCIRootUID=1 -x or just -x which will enter Mac OS X Safe Mode and will allow you to proceed.

8.      If you have unsupported Graphics Card boot with –X . { E.g. At Bootloader screen select OSX install Disk and hit Spacebar and type cpus=1 –x –v and hit enter. )

9.      First thing to do is format and partition the hard drive. When you choose 2 partitions with a GUID Partition Table, OS X will format the drive with 3 partitions. Partition 1 is EFI, Partition 2 will be Snow Leopard and Partition 3 will be Windows 7. The EFI partition is a very small (200mb) hidden partition that holds the OS X bootloader and BIOS information on a real Mac.

10.  Open Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility

1.      Select your hard drive in the left column. Click the Partition tab
2.      Under Volume Scheme: separate your hard drive into 2 Partitions. You can make them any size you want.
3.      Click Options... choose GUID Partition Table, then click OK.
4.      Click Untitled 1. Under Name: type Snow Leopard. Under Format: choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
6.      Click Untitled 2. Under Name: type Windows 7. Under Format: choose MSDOS (FAT).
8.      Click Apply and close Disk Utility.
9.      Insert Windows 7 DVD in tray.
10.  Unplug all hard drives except this one and reboot.

Now you will install Windows 7 to Partition 3. You'll have to reformat it to NTFS in the Windows 7 installer before Windows will let you install. We labeled it Windows 7 in the previous step.
  1. Wait for Windows to begin installation process.
  2. Accept license agreement.
  3. At Which type of installation do you want, choose Custom (Advanced)
  4. At Where do you want to install Windows, choose Partition 3: Windows 7.
  5. Click Drive options (advanced).
  6. Click format.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Next.

At this point, Windows 7 will install to Partition 3. The installer will reboot the computer a few times- just leave it until you complete the installation process and see the Windows desktop.

The next step is to install Snow Leopard to Partition 2.

iBoot + MultiBeast - Install OS X on any Intel-based PC
1.      Place iBoot in CD/DVD drive
2.      Restart computer
3.      Boot to iBoot CD and then eject iBoot
4.      Insert your Mac OS X Snow Leopard Retail DVD and press F5.
5.      When you see the screen below, press enter to begin the boot process.
6.      When you get to the installation screen, open Utilities/Disk Utility.  NOTE: If you cannot get to the installation screen, retry from Step 4, type PCIRootUID=1 before hitting enter. If that doesn't work then try PCIRootUID=1 -x or just -x which will enter Mac OS X Safe Mode and will allow you to proceed.
7.      If you have unsupported Graphics Card boot with –X . { E.g. At Bootloader screen select OSX install Disk and hit Spacebar and type cpus=1 –x –v and hit enter. )
8.      When the installer asks you where to install, choose Snow Leopard Partition.
9.      Choose Customize‚ and uncheck additional options.  This will hasten the install process.  You can always install this stuff later.
10.  Hit Install and wait for the Installer to Complete.
11.  When it’ll say Installation Sucessfully Completed and It needs to Restart.
12.  Hit Restart Now.
13.  At this point you’ll be automatically booted to WINDOWS 7 (As windows 7 is active partition right now and you can’t boot to OSX without Chemeleon Bootloader at this Point)
14.  Once booted into Windows 7 and reached the Desktop, Go to http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=1
15.  Download EasyBCD and Install it.
16.  Run (As Admin) EasyBCD and go to ADD NEW ENTRY Tab
17.  Select MAC Tab and in it select EFI ( Default) and Hit ADD ENTRY
19.  Close EasyBCD
20.  Go to C:\NST
21.  In that look for the iso file and mug up the name of the ISO or Write it somewhere
22.  Delete the ISO file
23.  Place the iBoot ISO image there and rename it to the ISO which you just Deleted.
24.  Now restart the PC
25.  In your bootloader you’ll see two Options Windows 7 and MAC OS X
26.  Select MAC OS X and it will load iBoot.
27.   When you get to the boot selection screen, choose your new Snow Leopard Partition.  ( Use bootflags Cpus=1 or –X or any other if required)
29.  View the super-cool Mac OS X Snow Leopard Welcome Video, and set up your computer!
30.  Once to the Desktop of OS X update the OS X to 10.6.8

STEP 4 : UPDATE TO 10.6.8

1.      Open Finder and navigate to your Snow Leopard drive.
2.      Right-click and delete Mac OS X Install Folder.  This folder is an unnecessary remnant of the installation process, and serves no purpose.
3.      Download the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Combo Update
4.      Download MultiBeast
5.      Open MultiBeast- don't run it yet, just leave it open.  Set up windows as shown.

7.      Install MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.7.pkg
8.      Upon completion, the installer will ask you to reboot.  DO NOT REBOOT.
9.      Switch to the already open MultiBeast.  If it closes, just re-open it.


MultiBeast is an all-in-one post-installation tool designed to enable boot from hard drive, and install support for Audio, Network, and Graphics. It contains two different complete post-installation solutions: EasyBeast and UserDSDT.  In addition it includes System Utilities to rebuild caches and repair permissions and a collection of drivers, boot loaders, boot time config files and handy software.

Choose EasyBeast , System Utilities, Bootloader , Boot Option and Other Relevant KEXTS.
And Hit Install. Then Restart the MAC.
Now U’ll See Chemeleon BootLoader Instead of Windwos 7 BootLoader.

PRESS any Key  and then select windows 7 Partition to Boot into WINDOWS  7  or let it boot OS X.
Thanks for reading and I hope it worked for you! Special thanks goes out to the entire OSx86 Hackintosh community! This guide was cobbled together from various sources - and do not wish to take any credit beyond putting it into plain English. ;) As always, if you have any issues, post a comment and I'll try my best to help you out any way I can.

Modified By Macwin.